Our Wellbeing Approach In School

Our Wellbeing Approach in School

A child’s emotional health and wellbeing influences their cognitive development and learning as well as their physical and social health, and their mental wellbeing in adulthood. 

At St Alban’s we believe that there are eight key areas to promoting the wellbeing of children. 

These include:

Being Active

In school

Here at St. Alban’s, we aim to provide active opportunities for all children to experience a range of quality physical activity. This includes:

At home

Activity doesn’t have to be limited to school.  The NHS recommends that all children aged five or over should be physically active for at least one hour a day.

Physical activity helps children: grow strong muscles and bones; maintain a healthy weight; discover the world around them; and build their confidence, self-esteem and emotional wellbeing.

You can help by encouraging your child to find activities they enjoy and building physical activity into family life, or making small changes like walking or cycling to school of you are near enough to do so.  During the Coronavirus Pandemic, many of our children have talked about spending lots of time outdoors, exploring the local areas and taking long walks with their family and this continuing would promote children’s physical health.

Being Respected and Respectful

In school

We treat children the way we want to be treat ourselves by being:

At home

Being Responsible

At school

At Alban’s, we believe that having roles of responsibility in school and the community builds a child’s sense of purpose.  We provide many opportunities for children to take on roles of responsibility including a range of classroom duties which are shared out by each class teacher to encourage inclusion and responsibility. These can include: book monitors, pencil monitors, worksheet monitors and lunchbox monitors. The children relish in these opportunities within the classroom to show how responsible they are as well as being good role models for other children.

Pupil Leadership Team

Within school, we also have our very own pupil leadership team and worship council.  We recognise the importance of children taking ownership of their own learning and behaviours and encourage this by being part of the decision-making within school.  Our Pupil Leadership Team allows our children to express their views, in a supportive manner, and play a role in making decisions that include them.  Children are asked to apply to be part of the Pupil Leadership Team and are able to choose a subject that they would like to be a leader of across school.  The Pupil Leadership Team are involved in:

Worship Council

Our worship council is made up of one children from each year group in KS2.  These children take on the responsibility of supporting whole school worships, selecting and writing the prayers for worship and modelling our Christian Values at all times. 


With our brand new library now up and running, hopeful librarians were invited to write a letter of application for the role. They support with the day to day running of the library including cataloguing books and keeping it tidy, as well as running library club at lunchtime.


Prefects are chosen from each year group by submitting an application and in collaboration with the teachers.  In doing this, our children have the opportunity to hear why staff nominated them to be a prefect and can begin to understand the influence they have on their peers and other children across school.  Our prefects take on the responsibility for being exemplary role models within their classrooms and around school and have the opportunity to meet with visitors throughout the school year.

At home

Encourage children to take responsibility for their own belongings as well as their own actions. For example, when getting ready for school in the morning, encourage and support your child to ensure they have everything they need for school including reading book, bag, water bottle, PE kit etc.  In doing this, children begin to take responsibility for getting themselves ready and this will instil independence.  

Being Included

In school

Inclusion is the willingness to form relationships with people who are different from you and the ability to make them feel like they belong.  When children feel included and connected to school, they will feel more confident and be more willing to take part in the whole school community, thus leading to more academic success. In turn, this will have a major impact on a child’s self-esteem and emotional wellbeing.  

Through our core values and Christian values, we support inclusion and aim to create a positive, supportive and nurturing environment.  We aim to do this through: 

At home

Being Safe

Our aim is to ensure that all children within our care feel safe when coming to school.  With the recent months during the Coronvirus pandemic, it has been essential that children feel safe to come to school and know that there are clear systems and routines in place to keep them safe and from harm

In school

In school, we have visitors come into school to discuss with children how to keep safe both inside and outside of school.  These include visits from:

With technology being such a big part of our world, we also have a whole school e-safety spiral curriculum to ensure that children understand how to keep safe online: this includes the areas of:


In school we aim to celebrate all of our children’s achievements, both inside and outside of school.

On a Wednesday, we hold an "Extra Effort" worship where children are recognised for their extra efforts in going "Above and Beyond" in either their learning or their behaviour and attitudes across school. Parents and carers are invited to come and join us in celebrating their children. 

On a Thursday, our focus is our Christian Values. Children, members of staff or visitors can nominate someone they have seen demonstrate a Christian Value across the week. Nominations are chosen at random and the children are then celebrated in worship.

Note: At this time, we cannot invite parents/carers into school due to the current climate. 

On a Friday, we also hold a celebration assembly where as a whole school community, we celebrate house points collected within each year group, any awards that have been earnt outside of school and the attendance for each year group as well as whole school attendance. 

Through our learning bees, that identify different learning behaviours we encourage at St Alban’s, we develop ways that children can ensure they achieve in a range of areas of school life.  For example, we encourage children to “Be Willing” and in turn, the more they are willing to push and challenge themselves, the more likely they are to learn new things.  Our learning bee behaviours are:

Being Healthy

At St Alban’s, we aim to have the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health, through our varied and balanced curriculum, and we aim to support our children in learning to make healthy, safe choices.

At school

Being Nurtured

Nurturing means more than giving your child food, shelter and clothing. It is about building a healthy and strong emotional relationship (attachment) and it means developing a relationship where you are the person that is there for your child if they are upset, worried, scared etc.  Some research shows that when a child is nurtured, they are more likely to be healthy and successful in school and also more able to get along with other children and for strong relationships with others. 

We are very lucky at St Alban’s to have a nurture/wellbeing room; a designated place for our children, and parents or carers if needed, to utilize when supporting their mental health and wellbeing.  At St Alban’s, we run bespoke wellbeing groups which are short-term, focused interventions for children with particular social, emotional and behavioural difficulties or worries which can create a barrier to learning.

Nurture groups are built around the six principles of:

At home

To support and create nurturing relationships at home, parents/carers can:

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St Albans CE Academy

St Albans Close,
Wolverhampton WV11 2PF
Telephone: 01902 558825